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Enjoy your aircraft anytime, anywhere

aircraft appraisal


Aircraft Appraisal

It is important for you to know the exact value and status of your asset. Whether you are interested in acquiring an aircraft, knowing the exact value of your aircraft, evaluating the need for cabin or avionics upgrades, we offer tailor-made solutions!

Your project is to acquire an aircraft?

We perform an on-site review that can include a physical review of the aircraft, a documentation audit and inventory, an in-flight assessment and much more.

Your project is to upgrade your aircraft with a more modern cabin or an improved entertainment system?

Is your aircraft due for heavy maintenance and is it the right time to upgrade your avionics? We evaluate with you all your needs and study the possible solutions available on the market.

New aircraft delivery

New Aircraft Delivery

Decision is made: you signed the purchase order with your favorite aircraft manufacturer, your brand-new aircraft is ordered and will be delivered in few months.

But do you know which options you will implement? Or which layout you would like for your cabin? Are you aware of your aircraft registration? Or how you will operate it?

With over 100 aircrafts delivered in the last 20 years, we will be there every step of the way to support you with efficient assistance and professional contacts to make the delivery of your new aircraft a great success.




Maintenance support
& Project Management

Aircraft maintenance, modification project, pre-purchase inspection, refurbishment are part of aircraft life. Either your aircraft is due to enter heavy maintenance or its needs to be upgraded to comply with latest regulation, we prepare, support, and follow your project until your aircraft is back into service.

Quote request and analysis, cost overview for additional works and final invoice review

On your behalf, we request quotes and analysis from several approved maintenance facilities. Throughout the maintenance project, we monitor expenses and minimize all costs associated with your project. Finally, when the maintenance is completed, we will follow you until the final invoice is issued.

On-site project management and reports

On-site management is key to the success of your project: our flexibility allows us to provide on-site supervision to support you throughout the project and to keep track of what is being done on your aircraft and a better understanding of progress and additional items.

Frequent reports are provided to give you better control of your aircraft and we support your project with a "tip to tail" program.

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